How it works
Rulefinder G20 provides information on regulatory requirements across 20+ jurisdictions (including G20 nations) that affect parties entering into OTC derivative transactions, domestically or on a cross-border basis. A dedicated team of expert senior lawyers work with leading local counsel to identify OTC derivatives regulations and regulatory guidelines and simplify them.
- Demystify the complexities of local entity classifications to facilitate compliance
- Access a global picture of applicable rules through Regulation Overview and assess the possibility of substituted compliance through Equivalence
- Sources, links and "at a glance" documents are provided, including "Application Overview" tables and quick read summaries

The service
Detailed analysis of regulatory requirements affecting parties entering into OTC derivative transactions, domestically or on a cross-border basis, focusing on:
- Mandatory clearing and mandatory trade execution
- Trade reporting (including data privacy related issues and record-keeping requirements)
- Collateral (covering the intricacies of both IM and VM requirements for uncleared trades)
- Risk mitigation requirements relating to dispute resolution, portfolio reconciliation, portfolio compression, documentation and valuation of transactions
How it helps
Rulefinder G20 guides its subscribers through the complexity of OTC derivatives regulation and includes a comprehensive analysis of local entity classifications.
It considers the extraterritorial implications of local rules, highlighting where it is possible to take advantage of regulatory equivalence/substituted compliance.
To complete the regulatory picture, a discussion of sanctions for breach is also available.
Product features
Jurisdictions covered
Rulefinder G20 provides consistent and comparable analysis of OTC derivatives regulation in a range of key jurisdictions.
EU Member States, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey and UK
Israel, Saudi Arabia and South Africa
Argentina, Brazil, Canada (Ontario), Mexico and United States
Australia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea
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Derivatives product team
Managed by our expert team of senior lawyers.

The finer details
- complex OTC derivatives regulation presented in a simple user-friendly format
- access to memoranda of law produced by local market-leading experts
- detailed reports available 24/7 (including a separate collateral report dedicated to IM and VM requirements)
- an immediate snap-shot of the regulatory environment through Regulation Overview
- quick read summaries of regulations impacting OTC derivatives
- entity classifications demystified
- identification of key market initiatives facilitating compliance
- regulatory equivalence/comparability determinations and the availability of substituted compliance
- links to underlying English language sources provided
- sample coverage:
- EU: European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), Markets in Financial Instruments Directive/Regulation (MiFID/MiFIR), Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) and Regulation on transparency of Securities Financing Transactions (SFTR)
- US: Dodd-Frank Act (Title VII), CFTC Margin Rules and Prudential Regulators' Margin Rules
- Hong Kong: The Securities and Futures Ordinance (as amended) and Module “CR-G-14 for non-centrally Cleared OTC Derivatives Transactions - Margin and Other Risk Mitigation Standards” of HKMA’s Supervisory Policy Manual (as revised)